Saturday, September 13, 2008

12th September 2008

Last night, some of the Kenangianz stayed back for a lantern festival celebration organized by JUNIOR PREFECTORIAL BOARD.

Alright, to make it short....

I will only talk about the important part.
The important parts are, the time when we played water balloons together and the time we played the candles!

The balloons splashing time was like this :-
We did it like the musical chair la.. we passed the balloons(2) around until the music stops.
Then, the 2 peoples who got the balloons will face each other and throw the balloon to each other and SPLASH!

Actually, they did not know that we will play water on yesterday.
So..they went back home wet-ly.

Ok, the candle time... like usual..
We lighted up every candles and wow...the whole school was so beautiful...
Awesome! ^^
Some of them built up the candles in many ways and it was really beautiful....

OK, we ended up with throwing the BALLOONS to each other.
Wasted the balloons la.... Sigh~

Man Xi

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