Saturday, September 6, 2008

6th September 2008

Today got school arhhh....
So boring..
But quite fun la..
Cause..Although we studied..But we kept talking about non-sense.
But it was really really funny.

And hey! Today Chui Yee and Shun-Zi kept staring at my cookies given by Li Yan to me.
They kept asking for my cookies and they said they wanted to eat it right now.
What can I do? They were so annoying. So..
I have to promise that I will give them during recess time. YES, YES, I PROMISE.

During recess time.. The Chui Yee was so greedy.. I gave her 2.. 1 for her and another one for shun-zi.
But she wanted to eat both..
Luckily..Shun-Zi was so fast..
She get the chance to rampas it back. LOL.
And they .. rompak my cookies again..
Luckily..I got it back. HMPH!
You guys, watch out!

CHui Yee... She threw rubbish on the floor!
I saw it!!
But she didn't care..

Hm... Today.. We were talking about silly things again.. About L.
Ok, see ya.

Man Xi

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